where can i buy Clomiphene at One of John’s more intriguing abandoned projects is “The Return of the Umbrella Man,” a proposal for a novel. The Umbrella Man, of course, was the mysterious man with the umbrella at Kennedy’s assassination, long an object of speculation by assassination researchers. In 1978, he was identified as Louie Steven Witt, who had simply picked a particularly bad time to protest Joseph Kennedy’s support of Neville Chamberlain.
In 1977, however, John cooked up an idea for a novel, making him a spirit who was repeatedly killed, only to walk in to other host bodies. The premise allowed John to have some fun with a plot brimming with sex, violence, conspiracy, poltergeists, walk-ins, organized crime, mysterious cartels, the Elks, and the Kennedy assassination. And, for good measure, funny underwear. In later years, he often lamented that fictionalized forteana was more commercial than reportage; and that “The X-Files” and “Men In Black” were lifting plot points from his books. “The Return of the Umbrella Man” was an attempt to create an entertainment using some of the same paranormal material.
John’s agent, Knox Burger, didn’t like it, however. Below is John’s cover letter, with Knox’s reply: “John: Names like Henry and Myrtle are death — they’re out of 1937 comic books. Wife shouldn’t cuckold him with police chief… (notes). John: I really don’t have any confidence I could sell this for you. Comic novels about changelings or whatever are just not in demand. I’m awfully sorry. Knox.”
So, the project was abandoned. Perhaps it’s just as well, considering that Witt surfaced shortly afterward. But, if you’ve ever wondered what a “novel of suspense and supernatural horror” by John Keel would be like, here are the first six pages, of 30. After this, George takes over Henry’s body, hooks up with his girlfriend (another walk-in), and they run from the unidentified powerful group trying to kill them. Unfortunately for this group, walk-ins just find another host body when killed. Eventually, the villains learn that only a nuclear explosion can kill off a ghost, and duly prepare an accident at a power plant. It’s action-packed!