Mary Hyre died on February 15, 1970. Here are a telegram to John from Gray Barker, a letter from Mabel McDaniel (Linda Scarberry’s mother, and herself a Mothman witness), and two obituaries. The first is from the Ohio Messenger; I don’t know where the second came from.
October 6, 2015
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Thank you once again for sharing all of the letters and clippings here with the world.
Comment by Marshall Cook — October 6, 2015 @ 1:07 pm
It’s very sad she died so young, and suffered at the end.
Comment by mamie — October 12, 2015 @ 10:38 pm
This is a distasteful blog.
Why are you exposing all these private correspondences?
People should feel free to communicate things to others in private without the nagging sensation that some opportunistic buzzard might somehow seize their letters after death and expose them to the world for personal promotion and gain disguised as ‘tribute.’
Comment by John — October 13, 2015 @ 10:41 am
Well, I find your comment distasteful, so I guess we’re even. The site is indeed a “tribute” to John, who was a close friend for many years. The idea that I get any “personal promotion and gain” from it is ludicrous. I posted correspondence from Mary Hyre because she was reporting on the flap in Point Pleasant, which is of interest to people interested in the events there. She was an important, often unacknowledged, part of the story.
Comment by Doug — October 13, 2015 @ 11:26 am
Sad though it may occasionally be, your preserving this material deserves praise, Doug. I, for one, am grateful. It’s all in the context.
Comment by William Grabowski — October 21, 2015 @ 8:41 am
IMO, not nearly enough attention is given to the work of John Keel. He really was an original thinker who used his brain efficiently and well, a 1b75 trailblazer in a field fraught with fraud.
Comment by — January 25, 2016 @ 3:58 pm
I am writing in response to the comment posted by, “John”. Clearly, this writer knows nothing about the important contributions of the publisher, “Doug”. John Keel was way ahead of the learning curve and he was a prodigious writer. Doug is doing for Mr. Keel that which Mr. Keel could not do for himself without looking self-important. So we owe Doug a debt of thanks for his continued efforts, requiring great work and patience, in organizing and publishing a plethora of relevant information. The postings work in a synergistic manner by allowing an in depth understanding of Mr. Keel. Thank you, Doug, and please stay at it.
Comment by F.F. Kling — February 6, 2016 @ 7:13 pm