I continue to work my way through John’s “Special Investigations” files. These bound collections contain John’s notes on his investigations in 1967: letters from witnesses, clippings, reports, correspondence with other investigators. These four pages follow the last report I posted: a page about “Telephone Incidents,” a letter from the Air Force about impersonations of officers in UFO cases, and an annotated clipping about a UFO sighting (John is dubious). Some of the old photocopies have faded; I’ve tried to darken them.
Thought I would share an observation. The events involving radio interested me (it’s my hobby) so I checked on the sunspot cycles back then. The bottom of the sunspot cycle was 1965 and by 1966 there was little happening that would explain unusual radio propagation. Whatever caused the voices on the radios remain unexplained. The term weird doesn’t do it justice. Great stuff!
Comment by Clarence Carlson — June 9, 2016 @ 10:29 am
[…] know if it was an airplane falling out of the sky, a meteor, or something “else”. In More Notes from the Special Investigations File, we peruse John Keel’s notes from his 1967 investigation. No definitive answers, but you have […]
Pingback by Mexico: Strange Object Astounds Social Media – Inexplicata | InnerCirclePress.com — June 10, 2016 @ 5:51 am
Any idea if the letter from the air force was legitimate? Or its source? Im just curious because ive been reading some on handwriting analysis and the signature has some red flags. The first letter H is redrawn several times, repeated, which is almost like the writer is over emphasising his identity, or else really insecure and putting up a good front for himself. the line which scores thru most f the signature is usually an effort to negate or deny the name or identity, and the big puffed up upper loop on the h in wheless shows an over inflated effort to present himself as an intellectual. Smarter than the reader. So some curious features. With all the hoaxing that seemd to go one during these ufo flaps i wonder if the letter was authentic. Any notes on how John obtained it?
Comment by Patty g — June 10, 2016 @ 6:59 am
Wheless was a famous figure in his day; a short film about his exploits in World War II even won an Oscar. A quick googling shows a few other signatures that match this one. I don’t know where John got the letter, but it was circulated by other UFO buffs at the time. Of course, it’s possible that the letter is genuine, but that the events he described were hoaxes. As for the curious features in his signature, maybe he was just like that!
Comment by Doug — June 13, 2016 @ 9:55 am
This isn’t the first time I’ve read the “speaking Spanish or Puerto Rican” line in one of his write ups. What’s up with that?
Comment by 8th — July 6, 2017 @ 1:35 pm