June 13, 2016

Another Man in Black Case

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:39 pm

John spent part of 1967 trying to figure out what had happened to Joseph Henslik, a young man in Long Island who claimed harassment by the classic Men in Black. This report appeared, with a few minor changes, in the Fall 1967 issue of Saucer News, edited by James Moseley. John later noted that Henslik and his mother confessed that it was a hoax, and that they had been coached by Moseley and Gray Barker. (You can see his comments here, in his reaction to a letter from Gray Barker.) There was an article on the case in Flying Saucers, Feb. ’68, which I haven’t seen, and it’s still mentioned from time to time in the MIB literature.





  1. […] National Geographic and warned people not to talk about their sighting. A decade earlier we have Another Man in Black Case, this time from the papers of the late John Keel. In 1967 he was investigating the case of Joseph […]

    Pingback by The Dover Demon’s Men In Black – CryptoZoo News | We Seek the Truth! — June 17, 2016 @ 10:52 am

  2. “The most fearsome monsters of all may inhabit the dark corners of our mind waiting for us to release them through our believes and gullibility. the phenomenon feeds on fear and believe. Sometimes it destroys us altogether other times it leads us upwards into the labyrinth of electromagnetic frequencies that form a curtain in the area we call windows and stalk us to drink our blood and create all kinds of mischievous beliefs and misconceptions in our feeble little terrestrial minds.”

    -John Keel

    Comment by Dave — June 17, 2016 @ 11:38 am

  3. […] National Geographic and warned people not to talk about their sighting. A decade earlier we have Another Man in Black Case, this time from the papers of the late John Keel. In 1967 he was investigating the case of Joseph […]

    Pingback by The Dover Demon’s Men In Black – CryptoZoo News | — June 17, 2016 @ 11:49 pm

  4. I just downloaded a paper by Peter M Rojcewin that discusses the Men In Black phenomenon and it quotes John. The fear response is interesting and its in both Johns writing here and in the paper. Sometimes fear, sometimes not in reaction to a sighting. Infrasound? He seems such a level headed and resolute person, the fear he experienced in the car seemed to come on by itself, and wasn’t his reaction. he seemed surprised and confused by it.

    Comment by patty g — June 24, 2016 @ 2:05 am

  5. wasn’t Gray a proven hoaxer? didn’t he plague John with mystery phone calls and mailings? if you read the Henslik story with Barkers reputation in mind, you might think Barker could have been behind the whole event. receiving the letters and denying them, while he sent out (or maybe even went out himself) as a Man In Black! Barker could have done it all…except for the issue of knowing about the adoption. and perhaps there were records of that.

    Comment by patty g — June 24, 2016 @ 2:08 am

  6. John did conclude that Henslik was a hoaxer, and had been coached by both Barker and Moseley. Since Barker and Moseley knew the field, they knew which details would get John interested. I’m not sure what they got out of the whole business. John’s fear response seemed to be physiological. He mentioned certain “fear zones” in “Mothman.”

    Comment by Doug — June 24, 2016 @ 1:40 pm

  7. Gray Barker: the Bill Moore of the 1960s. The same four AFOSI officers were probably his contacts as appeared in the “jello drinker” encounter, the “long hair” encounter, the “wrong shoes” encounter and the “wrong car” encounter.

    Given that John Keel knew the pentagon liaison for the USAF reporting to the Joint Chiefs very well it raises the question of how genuine his puzzlement was as to the identity of the “mystery officers”. The name provided for the jello drinker for example is indeed the name of an intelligence asset who was Richard Doty before there WAS a Richard Doty.


    Comment by flyingtigercomics — July 8, 2016 @ 10:35 pm

  8. John probably assumed the supposed MIB weren’t really military. Since it was a hoax anyway, it’s likely that Barker and Moseley just told Henslik what to say.

    Comment by Doug — July 10, 2016 @ 3:07 pm

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