no prescription Misoprostol on line pharmacy [Theo Paijmans sent this along for the site; many thanks to him! It first appeared in Stars and Stripes, April 22, 1977. ]
In his Strange Creatures From Time And Space, John Keel writes about “window areas”: “We have a theory. It is not very scientific but it is based upon the known facts. These creatures and strange events tend to recur in the same areas year after year, even century after century…” but there his theorizing did not stop. If there’s one important evolution in his oeuvre, it is his breaking away from the – at that time – predominant ETH explanation for the UFO phenomenon. This theory permeates his books like UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, Our Haunted Planet, and The Eighth Tower, this last title the least known of his tremendously influential titles, but the most comprehensive in regards to his theory on the “Ultraterrestrials,” and the intelligences or intelligence that inhabits the Superspectrum, all of which can be compared more or less to Charles Fort’s musings on the Supersargasso Sea encircling the earth.
That Keel had a hard time to promote his theories and to voice them inside the ufological communities, is demonstrated by the following newspaper account published two years after his Strange Creatures From Time And Space was published. While never having met Keel, I only talked over the long distance telephone a couple of times with him, I can imagine that he somehow would have enjoyed the protests.
Theo Paijmans