John made many 8mm movies in the ’60s; here he is filming his fellow film buffs at a meeting of the Metropolitan Motion Picture Club in 1964.
December 23, 2010
The Jadoo Song
John Keel’s first book, Jadoo, was promoted in many ways: interviews, excerpts in magazines, and a Keel snake act in a Manhattan store window. There was also a song. I don’t know who wrote or performed it (and John didn’t remember); I don’t know if it was ever released or aired. But — now you can listen to it on YouTube, right here.
Many thanks to Anthony Matt and Geoff Brady for restoring the scratchy 78; and to Angela Alverson for posting it.
December 8, 2010
Keel and Skinner
John Keel and Doug Skinner have lunch somewhere in Manhattan, sometime in 2001.
This photo and article appeared in the Perry Herald, August 30, 1956. Pattern for Adventure would soon be published as Jadoo; and John would soon be promoting it with his cobra act in a shop window on Times Square.
December 2, 2010
The Falling Frog Award
John Keel bestows the prestigious Falling Frog Award on Timothy Green Beckley. This solemn ceremony took place at a meeting of the New York Fortean Society, sometime in the late ’80s or early ’90s.
“Anomaly” 12
John put out 11 issues of his newsletter, Anomaly, from 1969 to 1974. He never copyrighted it or sold it; he used it mostly to collect and distribute fortean newspaper clippings to his mailing list. (They have been posted at The 12th issue was never issued, but he did paste it up. It’s only four pages long; and contains a farewell note, two pages of clippings, and a list of his books. I apologize for the yellowed newsprint and browning rubber cement, but I thought you’d like to see it as is.