April 24, 2011

John Keel’s Book Inscriptions (5)

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This one comes from a copy of The Mothman Prophecies (the IllumiNet edition).

April 13, 2011

John Keel Meets Ivan Sanderson

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:11 am

John Keel and Ivan Sanderson met — at least, officially — in 1962. Here’s the initial exchange of letters.



Sanderson’s papers, I understand, have found an online home here.  Good news!

April 10, 2011

David Letterman Interviews John Keel

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:14 pm

David Letterman interviewed John Keel on July 28, 1980.  They discussed forteana, strange rains, creature sightings — and a cast of a Bigfoot footprint.  Letterman was more curious than dismissive, and John did a great job.  And you can watch it here.

Again, thanks to Anthony Matt and Angela Alverson for technical help.

ADDENDUM:  As Loren Coleman has pointed out, the footprint cast in this clip was actually made by Edward Shipton in Nepal.  It has a troubled history: see here for photos of it, as well as some of the charges of hoaxing.  As was often the case, John made factual errors; the evidence in question is suspect; and he nevertheless made a great case for a Fortean perspective within a mainstream context.  The fact that Forteana is riddled with errors and hoaxes just goes with the territory — and, of course, errors and hoaxes are not unique to Forteana!

Ed Lord and John Keel: “P-Town”

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:57 pm


Here’s another collaboration between Ed Lord and John Keel: a film portrait of the artists’ community in Provincetown, Mass.  Ed Lord made the film; John provided the narration.  He even recites some of the poetry of Harry Kemp, the “Tramp Poet” of Greenwich Village.

All we had to work with was a video dub of what I assume was an 8mm original.  It’s a bit jumpy at the start; but it settles down soon.  Click here to see it.

The photo above shows John in Provincetown in  August 1963.  And that may have been around the time the film was made.

Thanks to Anthony Matt and Angela Alverson for technical help.

April 6, 2011

John Keel and Ed Lord: “On Exhibition”

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:56 pm

I’ve posted another of the films John that made with Ed Lord.  This one’s called “On Exhibition”; and features John as a bleary drunk confronting the exhibits in the Museum of Modern Art.  John was a teetotaller; which makes his drunk act even more amusing.  The film was a bit too long for YouTube, so I’ve split it in two.  Thanks to Angela Alverson for technical help.  I hope you enjoy it!

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