February 27, 2012

Bosoms, Blood, & Baloney

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:34 pm


John Keel spent a large part of the ’50s writing for men’s adventure magazines and then reworking the material into his first book, Jadoo. He summed up his experiences in an article for the April 1958 issue of Writer’s Digest: a fascinating look at the young writer, figuring out how to sell his stuff. He’s not writing here for the general public, but for fellow writers; and discusses the different types of adventure stories and the tricky issue of blending fact and fiction to make a sale. He also gives the background for several of his published stories. The article ends with a list of men’s magazines and their rates.


February 15, 2012

“Monster Flies Over Auto, Motorist Says”

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:01 pm

Another sighting makes it into the papers, this time in the Athens Messenger, December 19, 1966.


“Mothman Mystery Still Studied”

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:57 pm

Here’s another clipping (a photocopied one; sorry for the quality) from the midst of the Mothman flap.  This one is from the Springfield News, November 30, 1966.  The sightings were just getting started.


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