John takes on two topics in the ninth issue of his newsletter: “saturation is the name of the game” and “classified ads are dead.” And, of course, his deeply held belief that “paying for anything is a desperate last resort.” As a bonus, there are a couple of his inimitable ads for his own booklets.
August 29, 2012
August 27, 2012
Ivan Sanderson Sees a Flying Saucer! (Not Really)
Ivan Sanderson wrote to John on Thanksgiving, 1966, to tell him that he’d just sighted a UFO. Well, it turned out to be something else; but the incident him to speculate on how we all respond when we’re “in the face of the marvellous.” I should warn you that he indulged in a couple of jokey racial and sexual slurs, which you may find offensive. But it’s vintage Sanderson anyway; and I may as well post it as he wrote it.
August 22, 2012
Madison Avenue Confidential #8
“Madison Avenue Confidential” expanded to two pages for the eighth issue. John needed the extra room for his blistering analysis of the international economy. And if that proved depressing, you could always cheer yourself up by buying a Keel book.
August 20, 2012
Sanderson and Keel Discuss UAOs and ITF
Ivan Sanderson speculates on Unidentified Aquatic Objects and “instantransference” in this 1966 letter to John. John responds with his own reservations about what readers and editors will accept. The Playboy article he mentions was never published; it grew far too long, and he was unable to cut it down to the editors’ satisfaction. It continued to expand, eventually becoming the book Operation Trojan Horse.
August 12, 2012
Madison Avenue Confidential #7
In the seventh issue of his marketing newsletter, John suggests that advertisers decorate their mailings with rubber stamps. He did like rubber stamps.
August 8, 2012
The New York Fortean Society Newsletter #10
The tenth newsletter was the last. It contained reports on talks by Whitley Strieber, Dennis Stillings, and Antonio Huneeus; as well as clips, photos, and an announcement for an upcoming talk by Ben Robinson. Also stapled into the packet was a flyer for an upcoming UFO convention. The NYFS continued after this, but I guess John didn’t feel like putting out more newsletters.
August 5, 2012
Madison Avenue Confidential #6
In the sixth issue of “Madison Avenue Confidential,” John grouses about the difficulty of making money in mail order.
August 1, 2012
A Feud with Otto Binder
Apparently, John Keel and Otto Binder planned to cook up some sort of feud in the pages of Saga. I don’t know how far they went with it.