Operation Trojan Horse has just been republished by Anomalist Books. It’s Keel’s major statement on UFOs, and (as readers may have noticed) one of the hardest of his books to find. So, make your way to Anomalist Books and get yourself some Keel!
May 22, 2013
May 8, 2013
Keel and Sanderson Try to Write a Book (12)
The final part of the proposal for Abominable Space Things is simply headed “Descriptive.” It sounds more like an introduction than a description; maybe it would have turned into one. It also sounds more like Keel than Sanderson to me; see what you think.
May 6, 2013
Keel and Sanderson Try to Write a Book (11)
Here you go: the last four chapters of the proposed Keel-Sanderson book, from their pitch. From the vantage point of 1966, that was the breakthrough year. The book proposal also included a more general section headed “Descriptive”; that will be next.
May 1, 2013
Keel and Sanderson Try to Write a Book (10)
The pitch for the proposed Keel-Sanderson opus (Abominable Space Things) continues with a chapter by chapter outline. It seems to bear the stamp of Sanderson more than Keel; John mentioned in correspondence that he wanted to keep speculation to a minimum. But then again, John was more likely to misspell “Renaissance”; Sanderson was a better speller. Here are the first eight chapters (of twelve), taking us up through 1948. I’ll break it up, to keep the posts manageable. It sounds like it would have been a lively book…