The next letter in the file was postmarked April 11, but headed Sunday night. A look at the calendar tells me it was written April 9. Mary Hyre catches John up on some recent sightings, regrets that there are no details on a cownapping, and apologizes for leaving while watching UFOs. The attached column is here.
September 25, 2013
September 2, 2013
Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind

Andrew Colvin has assembled a choice selection of rare magazine articles by John Keel in Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind, now available through Amazon. It includes articles from Saga, Saucer News, Men, Male, John’s own magazine Anomaly, and many others, as well as transcriptions of lectures. The introductions are by Colvin, Gray Barker and Tessa B. Dick.
Colvin grew up in West Virginia, and has experienced its anomalies first-hand. Those interested in Mothman know him from his books The Mothman’s Photographer I-III, The Mothman Speaks, and The Mothman Shrieks. You can read an interview with him here.