The next letter from Mary Hyre was written on January 14, 1968, a month after the collapse of the Silver Bridge (December 15, 1967). She tells John about some of the aftermath of the disaster, as well as a few UFO sightings, including one of her own. Jack Brown makes a reappearance, although, of course, he could be a different one. The Messenger is the paper that Mary wrote for; they did print a large article about the disaster, which John saved. (Also, in case anyone is wondering, I’m scanning each page in two sections because Mary Hyre wrote on oversize paper that won’t fit on my scanner.)
June 30, 2015
June 24, 2015
More Photos from the New York Fortean Society
John intended these photos for the Newsletter, but didn’t put them in the tenth issue, and that was the last one he printed. He typed out captions for them, which I attach to the proper photo. It’s a good thing I recognize these people. I don’t recognize the man with Dr. Grosso, though; maybe somebody out there can identify him.
June 16, 2015
Photos from the New York Fortean Society
John published a number of photos in the last issue of the New York Fortean Society, in 1989. Here they are in color, with John’s captions. Everyone looks so young!
Author Whitley Strieber
Caught with his hand in the till, David Walley tries to eat the evidence.
George Hansen, Princeton parapsychologist.
Star UFO speaker, Antonio Huneeus.
Murky picture of a group of Forteans on outing to Easter Island.
June 8, 2015
A Letter from Mary Hyre, December 10, 1967
This is Mary Hyre’s last letter to John before the collapse of the Silver Bridge, on December 15. John marked the envelope “tape drop”; gaffer’s tape had fallen in the area, and Mary enclosed a sample. She also reports on a few UFO sightings. The tape sample was attached to the top of the page; I posted it after the letter.