October 30, 2016

Don’t Forget to Vote!

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:34 pm

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I think John made these up around 1970. I posted the corresponding bumper sticker here. Vote!

October 23, 2016

Special Cases – The Long Island File (13): Here We Go Again!

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:10 pm

John’s investigation into Jaye Paro’s supposed contacts continues. She reports that Apol and Agar visited her apartment, and ate an enormous amount of salt. They also gave her a sulpha tablet, which made her very ill. John plans to drive to Long Island an investigate in person…

If you’re curious, you can see the sulpha pills here. “The Big Breakthrough” was John’s report on the Christiansen’s odd visit from Tiny, which you can see here.




October 16, 2016

Special Cases – The Long Island File (12): An Interview with the Princess

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:38 pm

John’s account continues, with his notes on Jaye Paro’s taped interview with Princess Moon Owl. He’s troubled by both the interview and Paro’s suggestion that they lie about it.

The Princess tried to call John; he kept the phone message his roommate gave him. And there’s another odd development: the caller apparently did not have the Princess’s exaggerated Southern accent.

John’s eventual response to Paro’s claims was simply: “Let’s see what she comes up with next.”





October 11, 2016

Special Cases – The Long Island File (11): Princess Moon Owl

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:47 pm

John’s daily record of 1967 continues. Jaye Paro reports that she had a strange visitor at the radio station: the “kind of nutsy” Princess Moon Owl. Much of the Princess’s story is patently ridiculous, leaving John even more baffled as to what all this means.

The notes on the tape will follow…



October 2, 2016

Special Cases – The Long Island File (10): An Intercepted Letter

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:30 pm

John had sent back the disk Jaye Paro claimed her contacts had given her, with a letter asking to meet with one of them, Mr. Apol. Ms. Paro reports that the letter arrived, apparently opened, and that the disk was damaged. She also tells John that Apol and Agar have been spotted by other people around town.



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