buy provigil amazon We’re still in 1967. On July 19, John wrote another letter to the supposed aliens or androids, Apol and Agar, after they ignored his request for a demonstration. He didn’t mail it. It’s a remarkable letter, in which he attempts to get an answer from entities who probably didn’t exist. As he says, “All my life I have sought truth and I have followed strange paths, meandering through the unknown.” None was as strange as this, in which he’s forced to ask if his correspondents are a hoax. One clue to this mess may lie in his description of Jaye Paro as distressed and anguished; this episode, whatever is was, was apparently difficult for her. Unless, of course, she was acting.
The “important men” killed in airplane crashes were Castelo Branco, the former president of Brazil, and John T. McNaughton, incoming Secretary of the Navy (John saved the clippings).