July 24, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (47): Another Visit to Long Island

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:34 pm

Well, as we all expected, the 26th came and went, and the Pope was not assassinated. John visits Jaye in Long Island, and reports on Apol’s replacement (Rubin), twin Agars, stolen pigs, and other strangeness; they visit a Montessori school (John thought there might be an alien connection), and talk with another contactee, Louise. John also visits Ivan Sanderson, who has more oddities to report.

Jaye also tells John that the aliens want her to marry him, and have children. When I first read that, I thought it might explain a lot of her behavior, that her interest in John was primarily sexual. Now, I’m not so sure; she could have just been trying to shock and confuse him. But who knows?

July 17, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (46): Jaye’s Notes of Some of the Messages

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:13 pm

John’s “Long Island File” continues with fourteen pages of Jaye’s messages from Apol and Agar. I won’t post them all; here’s John’s introductory page (that’s his handwriting), Jaye’s first page, and another page with a note by John.

Some of the messages prophecy an upcoming apocalypse. Others complain that the messenger (Paro) refuses to comply with all of their requests, and that the council is displeased with her. They warn that “calamity will fall if our directions are not followed carefully,” and ask, “Is it because we do not understand your minds and ways?”

Mixed in with this are frequent passages from the Bible. I Googled some, and found verses from Ezekiel, Isaiah, Proverbs, Leviticus, and Matthew. Some are garbled; most seem to come from the Douay-Rheims translation (favored by many Catholics). On one page, John notes that one verse from Proverbs was, somehow, underlined in his own Bible. Naturally, this disturbs him.

So, was Paro channeling or hoaxing, or both? As I’ve said in the comments, John wasn’t the first investigator to contend with a puzzling and unreliable witness. And what are to we make of that underlined verse?

July 10, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (45): So Much for Today’s Mysteries

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:03 pm

We now come to July 24, 1967, in John’s Long Island file. The day for the aliens’ prophecies is approaching, and John’s daily life is only getting stranger. On this day alone, Jaye Paro reports a visit from Agar and another alien, John questions Agar (through Paro), Paro’s mail and drawings are stolen, Harold Serkin (I don’t know who he was) reports on strange phone calls in Washington, D. C., Serkin’s call is interrupted by whistling sounds when John mentions the Pope, Paro gets more baffling messages (Rey vis eug?), and John finds out that a map in his apartment has been altered. We also learn how Agar opens eggs. All of this, as usual, should be taken with a grain of salt (the aliens like salt).

July 3, 2017

Resting (Let’s Hope) In Peace

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:23 am

John died eight years ago, on July 3, 2009. I’m sure he’d be glad to know we’re still reading him. He’s shown here picnicking with friends, sometime in the late ’90s.

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