December 24, 2017

Whitewashing Hogwash

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:50 pm

buy Latuda online uk To close out the year, here’s a Keel rarity: a peppery editorial against censorship and government boondoggles. It appeared in an odd little newspaper called the New York Column, on September 25, 1970. The paper was only 16 pages, and edited by a certain N. H. Mager, who apparently also edited several dictionaries. It contained an assortment of syndicated features (Ann Landers, Hints from Heloise, bridge, horoscopes), TV listings, and very little news. I found nothing about it online; maybe it didn’t last long. At any rate, here’s John’s opinion on the controversial National Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, whose expensive report had just been rejected by President Nixon.

December 18, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (67): Events on Long Island

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:47 am

Jaye Paro’s aliens had told him he would be contacted, possibly even abducted, on September 3. He wasn’t, of course, but he did note a lot of activity in Long Island that week.

Gladys Fusaro was a UFO buff; she was in touch with James Moseley, and occasionally contributed to UFO newsletters. Gerda was John’s girlfriend, a dancer who had little or no interest in UFOs.

December 12, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (66): Background on the Principal Witness

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:12 pm

At the beginning of September 1967, John paused in the onslaught of high strangeness to set down his impressions of his principal witness, Jaye Paro. For those who have been following this often bizarre investigation, please remember that this whole thing had taken only four months, from May through August. Although I post once a week, there were often only a few hours between entries. It does seem longer, since there was so much going on.

I find these pages more useful as a record of what he thought of Jaye than as an objective portrait. His impressions naturally affect his assessment of her supposed experiences, and what he chose to do with them, whether they were accurate or not. They may tell us more about John than about Jaye.

Although John says Paro’s radio show was popular, I haven’t been able to find any references to it. I’d love to see a WBAB program guide, if there was such a thing. And I’m certainly sorry there’s no tape of that show with John!

I posted a picture of Jaye Paro here, and examples of the articles she wrote for Beyond magazine here.

December 4, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (65): A New Set of Developments

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:22 pm

As we continue into September, John now expects Jays Paro’s aliens to contact him directly, perhaps even abduct him. Ivan Sanderson tells him that his (Sanderson’s) wife is dying (she revived, and lived until 1972). He has more strange reports from Paro and from Vicki Hayes, and is disturbed when an Indian man asks him for directions (I assume because Paro said her contacts looked Indian). As he says, “Ordinarily, I would not have given such an incident much thought,” but he’s obviously on edge.

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