John sends another letter to Jaye Paro’s aliens, mostly about “Project B,” a report he sent out to other researchers. He has more questions, including several about early UFOs and his own grandfather (the aliens had told him his grandfather had been contacted).
February 25, 2018
February 18, 2018
Special Cases – The Long Island File (75): A Letter from Jim Moseley
John included in the file a letter from “Jim,” who I assume is Jim Moseley. Jim interviewed the Rev. Anthony G. De Polo about his experiences, which include alien contacts, MIB, and strange phone calls.
February 11, 2018
Special Cases – The Long Island File (74): Men In Black and Princess Moon Owl
John’s notes for September 20, 1967 include an MIB story from Jaye Paro and news about Princess Moon Owl from Bob Nickland, entertainment editor at Newsday. The first suggests that Paro considered the MIB as demons; the second suggests that the Princess was promoting Paro’s show. John has obviously had quite enough of the Princess. (A note for younger readers: “What a revoltin’ development” was a catchphrase popularized by the comedian William Bendix.)
February 6, 2018
Special Cases – The Long Island File (73): Dear Friends
Once again, John writes a letter to Jaye Paro’s supposed aliens. He asks for help in protecting Paro (also known as Tim’na), and tries to develop a strategy for revealing them to a wider public. The contactee form he mentions is not included; he must have filed it elsewhere. The request for a recording of his voice is disturbing, no matter who asked for it.