April 29, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (84): Appell Wants a Baby

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:11 pm

The next day, John received a letter from Apol/Appell, which he transcribed for inclusion in his notes. Appell returns to the idea that John and Jaye Paro (Tim’na) should get married and have a baby. The baby will, of course, be the “future leader” of the aliens. What’s happening here? Is Jaye writing these notes? If not, who is?

April 22, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (83): Agar’s Sister

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:51 pm

The next day, John has a phone conversation with Helen Oglemyer, and indirectly with CloĆ©, who claims to be Agar’s sister. She apparently also disapproves of John’s bawdy Batman spoof, The Fickle Finger of Fate. Jaye Paro (Tim’na) reports “that the MIB were turning people into evil, mindless zombies,” and adds several of her own MIB interactions. Agar predicts (wrongly) that there will be many Mothman sightings in Long Island.

April 15, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (82): 28,000 Large Seagulls

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:42 pm

The following day, John reports on a phone call from Helen Oglemyer (spelled “Ogelmyer” last time), who receives a visit from Agar. Agar wants more salt, and tells Helen that John is “very nice and very sexy.” Helen also reports the sound of a crying baby, a staple of the paranormal. Jaye Paro also calls with more stories of aliens and Men in Black, and reports her father’s recurring nightmare of 28,000 large seagulls over the city.

April 8, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (81): New Trouble Is Brewing Out There

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:02 pm

The saga continues… Jaye Paro visits Mt. Misery, and finds some of her fellow contactees. The aliens predict Mothman will visit Long Island, Dave returns, and Joe Henslik is still missing.

April 1, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (80): Apol Discusses Mothman

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:40 pm

The next entry in John’s record fills us in on some activity in Point Pleasant. There are updates from Linda Scarberry and Connie Carpenter, and Doris Lilly has an encounter with a classic bedroom visitant in a checkered shirt. (Doris Lilly was the woman who had found wooden plugs in her phone.)

John goes on to report a long conversation with Apol/Appell, who tells him many sensational tales about Mothman — or, more precisely, Mothmen. It’s not clear if John talked directly with Apol, or only through Jaye Paro. I suspect it was through Jaye.

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