John’s record continues, starting with October 10, 1967. The supposed “denouement” was nothing of the kind; he continues to get strange stories from Jaye Paro and Helen Oglemyer, including reports of a dazed Keel doppelgänger. John also notes that he gave a lecture, visited Ivan Sanderson, and appeared on Long John Nebel’s late-night radio show. Princess Moon Owl shows up again, and Jaye Paro finds Joseph Henslik, who is apparently also known as Joseph Baisle. The file begins with Jaye’s sketch of Agar, which I posted a while ago.
I just learned that John Keel’s brother Raymond died earlier this month. Patrick Huyghe sent me a link to the obituary, and Loren Coleman also posted an obituary of his own. Rest in peace, Raymond.