John writes a letter to A. M. Rosenthal, then managing editor of the New York Times. He reminds Rosenthal of an earlier acquaintance, offers a brief update of his career, and requests a statement on the paper’s possible censorship of UFO stories. Rosenthal apparently never wrote back. I suspect letters about UFO censorship may have not been appreciated at the Times.
I also note, sadly, the passing of two of John’s friends, Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Paul Krassner.
Ms. Guiley was a prolific writer of books on the paranormal, and most recently the executive editor of Fate. I posted pictures of her and John here.
Paul Krassner had a long career as a satirist, and for many years published that exemplary magazine The Realist. I posted a note on my chance discovery of John’s back issues here. Krassner also appears as a minor character in The Fickle Finger of Fate, which John mentions in his letter to Rosenthal. “Klaw Krassner” is cast as the “token atheist” on a boat piloted by Captain Bartolo, that is, Mad writer Dick DeBartolo; here are his two appearances.