May 28, 2020

A Letter to Lynn Catoe, December 30, 1967

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:12 pm

I’ve been posting this correspondence between John and Lynn Catoe because of the interactions with other ufologists and with Ivan Sanderson, and for John’s immediate reaction to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. They started dating in the midst of all this, which is none of our business. We’re getting to that point: after the last letter, Ms. Catoe wrote John a 7-page hand-written epic, which is mostly concerned with describing herself and her apartment, inviting John for dinner, and discussing the menu. I’ll just quote a couple of sentences to amuse long-term John-watchers: “I saw you on the Today show and was surprised that you were reasonably articulate. Since you’re bearded, I’d written you off as a hippie.”

John accepts the invitation, and fills her in on some of his interactions with Sanderson. He also reveals that he was asked to write an article for the National Enquirer, which he predicts will cause Sanderson to “flip further out.” Gordon Evans, as mentioned earlier in these letters, was a ufologist who had withdrawn suddenly from the field.

May 20, 2020

A Letter to Ivan Sanderson, December 28, 1967

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:45 am

John writes to Ivan Sanderson, trying to clear up the misunderstanding between him and Lynn Catoe. He’s exasperated at being caught in the middle of this “childish bullshit,” and is worried he’ll lose the friendship of both of them. Eventually, he did straighten things out, and both of them were grateful for his efforts. Ufology in the ’60s was obviously fraught with drama!

May 12, 2020

A Letter to Lynn Catoe, December 26, 1967

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:36 pm

John responds to Lynn Catoe, obviously exasperated with the “absurd uproar” between her and Ivan Sanderson, and upset with her reaction to Sanderson. He’s none too happy with the “screwy business” of ufology either. And who can blame him?

May 8, 2020

A Letter from Lynn Catoe, December 22, 1967

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:22 am

Ms. Catoe opens her letter to John by saying she feels “spat upon.” I assume she means by Ivan Sanderson, since the rest of the letter is certainly friendly to John. I don’t know who “Dr. Clark” is; perhaps some reader more versed in ufological history can identify him. Uninvited Visitors is by Ivan Sanderson (I recommend the hardback edition, since it has a nice little lenticular picture on the cover).

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