We continue with John’s 1967 file, “The Answer,” in which he set down his private conclusions about the UFO phenomenon. This is the second part of the second chapter, “The Psychology of the Androids,” assembling descriptions of the aliens/androids and their behavior from contactees’ reports. In the next chapter, he will try to solve that recurring ufological puzzle, “Where Are They From?”
August 30, 2021
August 25, 2021
The Answer (5)
We continue with John’s private summation of his conclusions (as of 1967) about the UFO puzzle, “The Answer.” In the second chapter, he describes “The Psychology of the Androids,” taken from the reports of his network of contactees. This is the first part of it. The sulfa pills that he mentions can be seen here.
August 16, 2021
The Answer (4)
August 9, 2021
The Answer (3)
We continue with “The Answer,” John’s private summation of his beliefs about the UFO enigma, as of 1967. It was drawn from his “Special Cases” file, which records reports from contactees. In this section, he outlines his conclusions about the “Androids.”
Since some of you readers out there may chance upon this material unprepared, let me repeat that it’s an early phase of John’s work, superseded by later research. I think it’s of interest to his fans, though, and no doubt informed his public writings from that time.
August 1, 2021
The Answer (2)
We continue with the next part of “The Answer,” John’s summation of his private beliefs about the UFO phenomenon in 1967. As John says, they “seem totally ridiculous,” but he also seems to have taken them seriously at the time. They synthesize the information he received from his network of contactees, and he placed special confidence in his correspondence with “Mr. Apol,” a supposed alien whom he contacted through the contactee Jaye Paro. (Here‘s one of the questionnaires he sent him.) One puzzle (among many): if this was “for discussion purposes,” who did he discuss it with?
And again, this represents an early stage in John’s interpretation, and posting it certainly doesn’t mean that I agree with it!