September 29, 2021

The Answer (9)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:13 pm

In Part 5 of his 1967 document “The Answer,” John describes the Android bases, complete with a flow chart of their chain of command. For those of you coming to this just now, let me add that it’s a private file that John assembled from his interviews with contactees. It should be read as a phase in his early development, superseded by later research, and as a summary of contactee beliefs. Please don’t take it as representative of his later thinking, or as a reliable guide to Androids!

September 21, 2021

The Answer (8)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:55 pm

We return to “The Answer,” John’s private file of his conclusions about the UFO puzzle, as of 1967. In this part, he considers the Androids’ habit of lying to contactees, their dependence on “orders from higher up,” and other curious aspects of their behavior.



September 14, 2021

“On Exhibition” and “Say It With a Song”

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:45 pm

I interrupt my posting of “The Answer” for a couple of Keelian tidbits.

The first is that YouTube has informed me that the second part of “On Exhibition,” a film that John and Ed Lord made in 1963, violates community standards. In this comic short, John plays a drunk bewildered by the paintings in the Museum of Modern Art. The first part, in which he gets thrown out of several bars, is apparently fine, but the artwork in the Museum must have offended someone. Anthony Matt and I posted it back in 2011, so it took ten years for it to become objectionable.

I also note that an early piece by John has cropped up on eBay: a humorous article on songwriting, published in the April 23, 1946 edition of Hobo News. John was only 16 at the time. The seller is asking $400, which is more than I can afford, but if any of you snap it up, let me know. I took a screen shot, and added the article to the bibliography.

And next week, we’ll return to “The Answer.”

September 8, 2021

The Answer (7)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 4:50 pm

John’s private file “The Answer” continues. The third part is entitled “Where Are They From?” It’s preceded by a list of “UFO bases on Long Island.” In later years John said he realized some places he thought were UFO bases were actually military sites; I assume that includes this list.

A couple of things to note: he says in the first paragraph that he had face-to-face meetings with the Androids. This surprises me; in the “Special Cases” file that this is based on, he mentions letters and phone calls, but not in-person interactions. (One of the letters he mentions is here.) Also, this may be his first use of the term “ultra-terrestrial”: he originally used “ultra-dimensional,” and then changed it.

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