Here are the next three pages of “UFOs and the Bridge Disaster,” an article I think he wrote for Fate magazine, which rejected it. John wrote it in January 1968, a few weeks after the Silver Bridge collapsed. Much of it was reworked for The Mothman Prophecies, but this is probably his first attempt to write about the disaster.
February 22, 2023
Mothman Casebook: UFOs and the Bridge Disaster (2)
February 15, 2023
Mothman Casebook: UFOs and the Bridge Disaster (1)
John wrote this next article in January 1968. I haven’t found any evidence that it was published, but he said in his notes for the Flying Saucer Review article (see last post): “DREAM ARTICLE ON UFOS AND BRIDGE WILL NOT BE USED BY FATE.” I assume this is that rejected article. It covers UFO sightings and the collapse of the Silver Bridge, all material later incorporated into The Mothman Prophecies. Here’s the first part.
February 8, 2023
Mothman Casebook: Special Report: West Virginia’s Enigmatic “Bird” (6)
John adds three pages of additional notes to his article “Special Report: West Virginia’s Enigmatic ‘Bird.'” A couple of notes: the “Charles” addressed in the last note was Charles Bowen, the editor of Flying Saucer Review. That note also reveals that Marcella Bennett’s daughter Tina (or Teena) seemed to be remembering a past life. As Teena, she’s mentioned in Chapter 8 of The Mothman Prophecies.
February 2, 2023
Mothman Casebook: Special Report: West Virginia’s Enigmatic “Bird” (5)
John concludes his article “Special Report: West Virginia’s Enigmatic ‘Bird'” (later published in Flying Saucer Review) with additional sightings, arguments against identifying Mothman as a bird, and a report on the collapse of the Silver Bridge. As you’ll see, he decided to cut a caustic paragraph on the dangers of UFOs and the futility of theorizing about them. He also neglected to indicate the 14th footnote, which obviously refers to the paragraph on animal mutilations on p. 14.
There’s more to come from the “Casebook,” including additional notes to this article.