March 18, 2010

Jaye P. Paro — and the Mount Misery Photo

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Readers of The Mothman Prophecies may remember Jaye P. Paro, a radio personality at the Long Island station WBAB.  There is much on her in Chapter 15; she met the curious “Princess Moon Owl,” and had an “unnerving experience” with a man in a black Cadillac.

Ms. Paro also appears in Strange Creatures, in Chapter 10.  John describes some of the folklore and creature sightings on Mount Misery, in Long Island; and mentions that she and a couple of her friends saw “something that resembled a human, disfigured face, long wild black hair, and dressed in a long black garment.”  John adds that they took a picture of this creepy character.  A Googling tells me that some people out there are curious about this photo, so I’ll post it here.  It’s none too impressive; it looks, as John says, like “a dark blob.”  But here it is; you can see for yourself.

It was published in the July 1969 issue of Beyond.  The same magazine published a (clearer) photo of Ms. Paro; I’ve posted that above, so you can put a face to the name.



  1. Thank you for the photos of both Ms. Paro and the Mt. Misery entity. Has she been interviewed in recent years about the situation?

    Comment by Inexplicata — March 22, 2010 @ 6:38 am

  2. I did a Google search, and found nothing on her more recent activities. Any info will be welcomed!

    Comment by Doug — March 22, 2010 @ 2:05 pm

  3. Sir:

    My partner and I have written two books about ghosts on Long Island and now we would like to talk about John Keels involvement with Mount Misery in our third book. To that end we wish to secure permission to use the photo of the beast in the woods photographed by Jaye P. Paro. We’d also like to use her photo, as well.

    Could you please direct us to the person whom we should address these legalities?

    Your kind help would be greatly appreciated.

    Joseph Flammer

    Comment by Joseph Flammer — November 17, 2010 @ 2:50 am

  4. Joseph — The photos were published in “Beyond” magazine, which is now defunct. It was published by Beyond, Inc., in Hicksville, NY. There have been a couple of other magazines called “Beyond” since then, but I don’t think they had any connection. And I’m afraid I don’t know what became of Jaye Paro, either… Sorry I can’t be more helpful; but best of luck with the book!

    Comment by Doug — November 18, 2010 @ 11:53 am

  5. […] didn’t note who drew these.  It’s likely, though, that Jaye Paro was one of them.  She was one of his most active sources at this time, producing a rich stream of […]

    Pingback by Drawings by Silent Contactees (1) « JOHN KEEL — August 17, 2011 @ 11:31 pm

  6. Hi Doug,

    As a native Long Islander, I have a deep fascination with strange reports from this area, and I am very interested to learn more about the work of Ms. Paro, and to determine what other reports, if any, she may have had in her files during this time period. I did a White Pages search, and found a “Jaye P. Pero” living in Jamaica, Queens, aged 95. Could that be her?


    Comment by Brian — March 1, 2014 @ 1:30 am

  7. Hi, Brian. Jaye Paro wrote a number of other articles for “Beyond” as well. I’ll have to dig those out. That phone listing does sound like her, but if she’s 95, that would make her 48 in 1967, which seems a bit old. Maybe not, though. According to John’s notes, her real name was Joanne Perranno; Jaye P. Paro was the name she used professionally.

    Comment by Doug — March 1, 2014 @ 11:45 am

  8. Hi Doug,

    I didn’t know that she had written so much beyond the article in the July 1969 article, very interesting! If you could dig those out and post them, or even just give a general summary, any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been to Mount Misery and Sweet Hollow Road quite a few times, definitely a very spooky place, especially at night. I have a feeling that there is more happening here on the Island in terms of UFOs and other reports than we actually hear about, who knows?

    I thought about emailing WBAB and asking if they knew anything, so lets see what happens with that. I just hate for somebody who did local research and who was such a colorful figure in her right to go largely unnoticed, I think larger than life people, by and large, deserve to be remembered.


    Comment by Brian — March 1, 2014 @ 4:22 pm

  9. I’ve been meaning to post something about Jaye Paro’s articles; I’ll get to it after I’m done with this dossier. She was John’s main contactee for a while; I’m still trying to sort out all of her claims.

    Comment by Doug — March 2, 2014 @ 9:37 am

  10. Great, I’m looking forward to it!


    Comment by Brian — March 4, 2014 @ 4:36 am

  11. […] while ago, I posted a photo of a “creature” (or a man in a coat) that John mentioned in Strange Creatures, and […]

    Pingback by Jaye Paro in “Beyond” « JOHN KEEL: NOT AN AUTHORITY ON ANYTHING — April 14, 2015 @ 10:30 pm

  12. The photo does look like a dark blob…but does anyone else notice that it looks like it has a hand reaching toward the camera? (It would be the “blob’s” right hand, on the left side of the “blob.”) I mean, to me, it looks EXACTLY like a hand. Can’t say much about the rest.

    Comment by Merlot — June 14, 2016 @ 1:21 pm

  13. […] 1967, John Keel investigated the odd case of Jane (actually a woman named Jaye Paro), who, after having a UFO encounter that had a “missing time” component to it, had a […]

    Pingback by Men In Black: The Library Connection | Mysterious Universe — October 30, 2016 @ 3:46 pm

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