December 2, 2015

The Big Breakthrough (5)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:31 am

buy accutane europe We continue with John’s original report on Tiny’s visit to the Christiansen’s. Here’s a short postscript, and a somewhat bemused response from Ivan Sanderson. Sanderson, for any readers new to this, was a zoologist and fortean, and founder of the fortean organization SITU, the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained; he was a bit concerned about the direction John’s research was taking.






  1. Very, very mystifying case. The Sanderson theories are interesting, and since Keel probably told him about problems in NYC with mail-tampering, Sanderson replied with a “cover” (letter sprinkled with disinfo). But he seems to nail the real (human) culprits in this very missive. Shades of the Mothman-type paranoia, of course. And would the Intell agencies really exploit “morons”? Then again, they did worse to “average” citizens during MK-ULTRA. Really fascinating to get the Sanderson “take” on this. Thanks again, Doug!

    Comment by William Grabowski — December 6, 2015 @ 5:16 am

  2. Indeed, a fascinating glimpse on an era so close to us, but just stop and think about it – we can’t even comprehensively reconstruct, let alone comprehend, such a relatively close timeframe, so how do we make sense of what happened back then?



    Comment by Theo Paijmans — December 7, 2015 @ 7:48 pm

  3. I actually do think tiny had a glandular disease and i posted the name and symptoms in another comment earlier. What to make of this letter/cover letter/ phony letter/ with real message at the bottom, except flaming paranoia? I also think john was a good judge of character, not likely to believe anything anyone said because he was a reporter. ? You would expect the opposite of a long time reporter, skepticism and an ability to ferret out the truth.

    Comment by Patty g — December 20, 2015 @ 8:28 pm

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    Comment by Patty g — December 20, 2015 @ 8:28 pm

  5. There’s more to come about Tiny… My reading of the letter is that Ivan was concerned that John was getting too wrapped up in the subject. At this point, John’s personal and professional life were beginning to suffer as he pursued ufology, and a number of his friends were worried.

    Comment by Doug — December 21, 2015 @ 8:47 pm

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