April 16, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (35): A Letter to the Lorenzens

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:31 pm

possibly John writes another letter in the midst of all this, to the ufologists Jim and Coral Lorenzen. He compliments them on their recent book, Flying Saucer Occupants, and fills them in on his continuing research. He’s apparently taking many of Jaye Paro’s stories quite seriously at this point. Newcomers to this continuing saga should remember that his views changed in later years. But here, in the midst of it, he’s sure he’s onto an important story.


  1. I’m beginning to think Jay Parro might have gotten herself involved with a Cuban religious cult. That could explain some of the descriptions of the men she met with Apol and Agar as well as the way she described Lia when they first met. Basically what I’m trying to say is that mind control by means of voodooism was being used on Lia as well as Jay Parro herself. It could also explain the tape she had that had Spanish as the language being used in the recording which I expect was preaching the beliefs of the people Jay was meeting. That still doesn’t explain though why Agar and Apol were pretending to be aliens but who knows? Maybe the next clue will be presented on this site soon.

    Comment by Joseph — April 19, 2017 @ 12:28 pm

  2. […] not so sure. See what you think. Naturally this MIB subject brings up the name of John Keel, and Special Cases–The Long Island File (35): A Letter to the Lorenzens. This letter gives us a neat summary of Keel’s then-current understanding of the imbroglio in […]

    Pingback by Neil Armstrong and the Men in Black? – Mysterious Universe | We Seek the Truth! — April 20, 2017 @ 10:53 am

  3. […] not so sure. See what you think. Naturally this MIB subject brings up the name of John Keel, and Special Cases–The Long Island File (35): A Letter to the Lorenzens. This letter gives us a neat summary of Keel’s then-current understanding of the imbroglio in […]

    Pingback by Neil Armstrong and the Men in Black? – Mysterious Universe | — April 20, 2017 @ 7:49 pm

  4. What were the Men In Black really trying to accomplish? Many believe the MIB were attempting to silence UFO witnesses, but most MIB experiencers continued to discuss their UFO sightings. Could the MIB’s true goal have been to reinforce belief in the discredited extraterrestrial hypothesis and keep hidden a much darker reality?

    Comment by MadMike — April 21, 2017 @ 8:52 am

  5. That’s an interesting possibility. I suspect, though, that Apol and Agar were products of Paro’s imagination, although she may have believed in them. As far as I know, John never actually saw or spoke with them.

    Comment by Doug — April 23, 2017 @ 9:40 pm

  6. “That’s an interesting possibility. I suspect, though, that Apol and Agar were products of Paro’s imagination, although she may have believed in them. As far as I know, John never actually saw or spoke with them.”

    Yes. I’m glad to hear you say that. I didn’t want to insult anyone who believes in this by saying as such. John really got tooken for a ride, as it were. This site is great for us old Keel-heads. I loved him when I was a kid. I still respect him for what he did. But so much stuff here shows it was Paro or his other contactees inventing things. The drawings from the Indian book she provided as MIB drawings and later knowing she became some sort of advocate for a tribe in Arizona showed where some of her ideas were coming from. I think she’s alive and in the area still and it would be great if someone ever were to interview her.

    Comment by Tim — April 26, 2017 @ 7:59 pm

  7. I would like to see that interview Tim.Does anyone know if Jay Paro is still alive?

    Comment by Joseph — April 27, 2017 @ 3:53 pm

  8. Joseph, I think she is alive, but only from internet searches. There’s someone about the same age she would be living in the same area with a very similar name.

    Comment by Tim — April 27, 2017 @ 6:08 pm

  9. Thanks for the info.I guess Jay Paro decided to become a private person after what ever actually happened during !967-!968.I wonder if there was a falling out between her and John.

    Comment by Joseph — April 27, 2017 @ 11:12 pm

  10. These notes should be read as a record of John’s research in 1967. He became less credulous later. But what a wild adventure it was!

    I don’t know if Paro did those drawings. They were in an envelope with her address, but John made copies of them and sent them to other people too. I suspect she did them, but I can’t be sure.

    Comment by Doug — April 28, 2017 @ 10:57 am

  11. Doug, hope you might see this, as i am posting from the future! Have any leads on who John was in contact with at the UN? or who were the government people John claimed knew about the UFO mystery? This letter has some big claims. Also, telling his friends they “strained mightily” in their book to connect Zno with “snow,” might not have been popular.

    Comment by patty g — December 8, 2017 @ 6:01 pm

  12. No, I don’t know who John was referring to. He kept every business card he was ever given, so it might be possible to check those. It’s also possible he was exaggerating. And no, that Zno remark wasn’t too tactful! Good luck in the future; I’ve heard it looks dim there…

    Comment by Doug — December 9, 2017 @ 9:11 am

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