August 19, 2019

John Keel Visits NASA

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:13 pm

Gourcy John follows up on a visit to NASA, with a letter to Les Gaver, in the Public Information Division. He asks permission to keep some photos longer, for his projected Playboy article, and asks if NASA analyzed the photo Mariner 4 took of Mars. Gaver gives permission, and encloses independent analyses of the Mariner 4 images (“the television experiment”), which John didn’t keep in this file. I’m curious which astronomers claimed to have found the canals in the photos. Mariner 4 is usually cited as ending the speculations about the canals, which were even shown on NASA’s maps until then.

1 Comment

  1. […] romp with, of course, some of those “deeper” thoughts. On a more ephemeral note, John Keel Visits NASA preserves a significant point in time. Keel’s correspondence surrounds the Mariner 4 images […]

    Pingback by A Light in the Darkness – Magonia | — August 23, 2019 @ 3:49 am

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