July 21, 2021

Confidential Background Info

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I don’t know quite what to make of this document. I find it fascinating, but rather troubling. I assume it is what it says: an outline of John’s privately-held beliefs about the UFO phenomenon, as of October 1967. I say “privately-held,” because he stipulates that the material not be published or discussed. That indicates that he sent, or meant to send, these pages to other researchers; there are several copies in the folder. He also elaborated on them in another longer document, called “The Answer.”

According to this, John believed the UFO occupants were real, and hostile, and he details their plans in disturbing detail. As he says at the end, capitalized for emphasis, “This is NOT SPECULATIVE.”

An important part of John’s personality was his love of magic. As he used to say, “Magic is my thing.” Along with that went a love of secrecy; he had secret affairs, secret projects, and a variety of pseudonyms. This is the part of his research that he kept secret. He also abandoned many of these conclusions later, but they provide insights into what lay behind his public material from that time. You’ve been warned; read on!


  1. Wow. Words fail me, which is rare. John wasn’t some guy living in his basement reading Shaver mysteries. He did some really good field work and, from what I can tell, had a lot of contacts from which he derived his data. So coming from him this is, heck I don’t know: interesting? Baffling? Scary? I’m gonna come back and reread this. Thanks for sharing Doug.

    Comment by Clarence Carlson — July 22, 2021 @ 2:23 pm

  2. This is very interesting. Thanks, Doug, and I find point 12 the most fascinating.

    Comment by Al in Australia — July 22, 2021 @ 5:38 pm

  3. Clearly, John was also considering writing a novel, because it gets absurd at point 15 — the signing of legal forms. In what court in what galaxy do all-powerful hostile aliens litigate a breach of contract? I know a plot device when I see one and I’m looking at one right now.

    Comment by Jules — July 23, 2021 @ 6:58 pm

  4. I think if only half of this stuff is true; humans are in some deep shit. Swamp gas.
    There have been Presidents like President Carter, who after being briefed had emerged tearfully after the meeting. Maybe it is my imagination. “Vaccines” that change your DNA to hopefully produce a spike protein that hopefully fights the virus. Oh my God, what could possible go wrong? John Wayne said the Indians weren’t doing anything with this country, anyway. What are the aliens thinking about this planet?

    Comment by BRIAN john KRAJCI — July 23, 2021 @ 9:57 pm

  5. Sorry, where does this document come from?

    Is that longer version (“The Answer”) published anywhere?

    Comment by Typer — July 23, 2021 @ 10:44 pm

  6. I was a friend of John’s, and ended up with a lot of his papers. I post them them here for his fans. I don’t think “The Answer” has been published. I’ve been ambivalent about posting it, because it shows John at an early and overly credulous stage in his research, but I intend to, if only to get some feedback.

    Comment by Doug — July 23, 2021 @ 10:56 pm

  7. Well, as I said, I found this troubling. I think, at this point, John was overly credulous of his contactees.

    Comment by Doug — July 23, 2021 @ 11:00 pm

  8. In later years, John told me that he realized some of the sites he thought were alien bases were actually US missile launch facilities.

    Comment by Doug — July 23, 2021 @ 11:04 pm

  9. I don’t think John made up stuff, but got this material from his contactees. If there was a novel in progress, it was from one of them!

    Comment by Doug — July 23, 2021 @ 11:08 pm

  10. It’s likely that none of this true. And humans have always been in deep shit. It used to be cave bears, now it’s other things. Hang in there!

    Comment by Doug — July 23, 2021 @ 11:12 pm

  11. Thanks.

    Honestly, some of this echoes observation of other researchers. The motivations though sound more like 1960s sci-fi.

    Still curious about “The Answer”.

    Comment by Typer — July 23, 2021 @ 11:37 pm

  12. Doug, thanks for posting. Fascinating insight into a moment in time. I think people reading this need to go back over his 1967 files (posted on this site), and The Mothman Prophecies, to understand John’s state of mind at this juncture. JAK really was in it deep at this point, with his encounters with his Long Island contactees, his long-distance correspondence with Mary Hyre about the goings-on in West Virginia, the beginnings of his problems with the phone company, etc., etc. It was a rough time and he was trying to make sense of it. I don’t agree with his conclusions, obviously, but he was frazzled. It had been a difficult 11 months since the first Mothman sighting.

    Comment by J.P. Pelzman — July 23, 2021 @ 11:39 pm

  13. It’s based on material John got from “silent contactees,” particularly Jaye Paro. I’ll post “The Answer” soon. In it, John says there are Androids living among us, and details their organization, diet, etc. Again, most of this came from Jaye Paro.

    Comment by Doug — July 24, 2021 @ 9:24 am

  14. I had some trepidation about posting this, since John seems pretty crazy here, but I hope readers realize that it was just a stage in his early thought. These ideas are mostly taken from Jaye Paro, and from the supposed alien “Mr. Apol,” who may have been channeled by Paro.

    Comment by Doug — July 24, 2021 @ 9:30 am

  15. Wow! I’m looking forward to The Answer, as I’m sure everyone else here is. As always, context is important. Coming across this without knowing much about John or his then-current experiences, one would assume he wore tinfoil hats a lot. As J.P. Pelzman pointed out above, there was an awful lot going on in John’s world at the time. He was the recipient of a blizzard of information from many directions. The whole Jaye Paro episode is a murky, twisted mess that seems like a devilishly clever mashup of Star Trek, The X Files, Get Smart and The Twilight Zone. How he managed to get through all that and the Mothman stuff too, without losing his marbles, is an interesting question. I think probably the majority of his peers would have fallen down one of those rabbit holes, never to emerge as someone to be taken seriously.

    Comment by ZR — July 24, 2021 @ 12:17 pm

  16. I’ve said some of this before on other posts, and I am pretty sure Doug has alluded to this. I apologize for playing amateur psychologist, but I think Doug has mentioned it seems Jaye had a crush on John (JAK did not reciprocate). What better way to impress a UFO investigator? I think Jaye also had aspirations of having a radio or local TV talk show. I suspect she was somewhat troubled and confused at the time, too. As I noted once, one of her stories about aliens freezing people seems straight from Bewitched (VERY popular at the time), and some of the stories about the aliens already being among us seem taken from a TV show of the time, The Invaders. That show postulated that aliens already had infiltrated state and local governments and even the U.S. military and space program. I wouldn’t be shocked if she watched that show, too.

    Comment by J.P. Pelzman — July 24, 2021 @ 2:41 pm

  17. As some of the other posters have noted, while a lot of this fascinating manifesto seems pretty wild, many of the foreward-thinking ideas expressed here would later be adopted by other researchers (e.g., genetic experimentation, mysterious pregnancies complete with stolen embryos, hybrid aliens living among us, surveillance and harrassment by the aliens rather than a government agency, etc.) or incorporated into John’s developing Operation Trojan Horse thesis (especially the reference to the dichotomy between the glowing masses of energy and seemingly mechanical objects). Point 15, if you really think about it, is analogous not only to old tales of making a deal with the devil, but also more recent abduction accounts where the outraged precipient asks the the ufonauts what gives them the right to experiment on them, and the entities assert that the abductees themselves had previously granted them permission! John was always ahead of the rest of the ufological pack when it came to alternative hypotheses – for instance, some of his articles published only in his own newsletter, Anolomy, completely laid out the parapsychological theories later adopted whole-heartedly by the BUFORA/Magonia crowd… Also, Jaye Paro, DID, if I remember correctly, have a radio show on a Long Island station for a while. I think you’re right, Doug, in assuming that her influence on John’s thinking is partially responsible for some of the more paranoid ideas expressed here.

    Comment by Paul — July 24, 2021 @ 4:57 pm

  18. Thanks, Doug, for posting this. Regardless of the validity (or invalidity!) of the myriad of ideas expressed here, it’s a fascinating document (and classic Keel)…

    Comment by Paul — July 24, 2021 @ 5:36 pm

  19. Judging from some of this material, John did lose his marbles at the time, but fortunately he got them back (or most of them, anyway!)

    Comment by Doug — July 25, 2021 @ 1:36 pm

  20. At one point, Jaye did tell John that the alias wanted them to have a child. John was appalled. And she did have a radio show, on station WBAB, although I suspect it was short-lived. She also wrote a few articles for Beyond magazine.

    Comment by Doug — July 25, 2021 @ 1:39 pm

  21. These ideas seem to come from the information John received from his “silent contactees.” Jaye Paro wasn’t the only one, but she provided more material than most. And she channeled “Mr. Apol,” whom John apparently took quite seriously.

    Comment by Doug — July 25, 2021 @ 1:44 pm

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