how to buy Pregabalin from canada “The Answer” is the title John gave to “a series of brief articles” outlining what he then (1967) thought was the answer to the UFO enigma.
I hesitated about posting it, since, after all, John said it was not for publication. That reservation, though, was based on his conviction that he had uncovered “the most important event in the history of Mankind”–which, as he later realized, he hadn’t. So, I see no problem with posting it after all these years, with my own caveat that it doesn’t represent John’s later views.
As he notes on the cover, the material is derived from his “Special Cases” file, which I posted earlier. Readers of this site will remember that it was largely devoted to the claims of contactees, particularly Jaye Paro, who inundated him with wild stories, and to the information he received from “Mr. Apol,” a purported alien (although not necessarily an extraterrestrial; Apol was always vague about his origins). As far as I know, John never met or spoke directly with him, and all communication was through Jaye Paro. “The Answer” summarizes and synthesizes this material, much of which he apparently accepted.
This is a strange document in many ways, both for its content and its backstory, and obviously very important to John at the time. Please read it for its insight into John’s development and character, not as evidence for a hostile Android invasion. It shows him losing his bearings at the start of his research, and, characteristically, driving ahead at full throttle.
I won’t repeat everything I said about Jaye Paro in the previous item, but I’ll add that, as Doug noted, she was a radio reporter and briefly hosted a show and was trying to get a career going. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to follow in the footsteps of Long John Nebel, a popular radio host of the era who was having a lot of paranormal-type discussions on his show. As for John, again, he had seen plenty of strange phenomena in West Virginia in the past several months, stuff completely unexplainable, and likely was affected by her troubled state, and thus bought in.
Thanks for posting this, Doug. It is important, because it gives one an idea of what was going on at the time.
Comment by J.P. Pelzman — July 26, 2021 @ 6:02 pm
This is indeed a very strange document. To go from believing something this radical to later saying it no longer reflects his beliefs is odd to say the least. Does anyone know exactly what made John disavow this belief? What did he see, hear, or observe that was so insightful? Does it reflect John’s mental state more than anything he witnessed?
Comment by John — July 28, 2021 @ 3:27 pm
John never publicly avowed this material, so I guess he never disavowed it. One of the puzzles about this document is who he intended to read it; perhaps he just meant it for posterity. But he did mention later that he realized that what he thought were alien bases were in fact military installations. He also later came to the conclusion that many of the aliens and creatures seen by witnesses were not physical. So, I suppose he changed his ideas because he did more research and got more information. John’s mental state was indeed troubled at this time, since he was not only contending with non-stop weirdness, but was making much less money after quitting his TV work. He did seek counseling around this time; maybe that helped.
Comment by Doug — July 29, 2021 @ 7:59 am
Thanks, J. P. I don’t know how important this is, in the grand scheme of things, but I think it’s interesting to John’s fans. He was full of surprises! I assume confirmation bias also contributed to his accepting these claims. He didn’t necessarily want to believe that we were in danger from aliens, but he did want to believe that he was on the track of an amazing story.
Comment by Doug — July 29, 2021 @ 8:04 am
Very interesting notes.
Comment by Joseph — August 1, 2021 @ 8:19 am
[…] The Answer (1) […]
Pingback by The Answer (1) – John Keel – TruthUncovered.TV — August 18, 2021 @ 7:04 pm
Isn’t this happening today? Do you think the covid 19 vaccines are safe? This is John Keel before the others got to him.
Comment by BRIAN john KRAJCI — August 19, 2021 @ 6:29 pm
I certainly think the vaccines are safer than the virus. I have friends who are doctors, and have cared for people with Covid. It can be a very serious disease.
And nobody “got” to John. He was very independent! But he did revise his ideas with more research.
Comment by Doug — August 19, 2021 @ 10:14 pm