December 1, 2022

UFO Dictionary (33): Vibrations – the Protocols of Zion

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:24 pm

These last entries conclude John’s unfinished UFO dictionary. He takes us through a few definitions concerning the electromagnetic spectrum, and then ends on a rather glum note with the Protocols of Zion, a hoax that unfortunately continues to influence readers, including UFO buffs.

John left no indication of what he meant to do with this material; I assume he hoped to sell it as either a magazine feature or a book. I find it most useful for the definitions of his own terms, and for the less familiar ideas from past ufology. At any rate, here it all is, for you to consult as you like.



  1. I wonder if the Wednesday phenomenon still holds up. Keel claimed in Operation Trojan Horse that UFOs were most sighted on Wednesdays and least on Tuesdays. He claimed that UFOs were especially common on the 13th and the 24th of the month. He also claimed that flaps tended to cluster within the borders of specific states. I haven’t found any other author who claims these things. Did UFOs really follow our workweek and respect our political borders? Or was this an artifact of where and how sightings could be published?

    Comment by Mestiere — December 2, 2022 @ 9:28 am

  2. The “Wednesday” card made me wonder about the phenomenon, too. Keel seems to have been painstaking with his data collection and compiling it into useful information. Is anyone else looking at UFO data that way these days? Seems like it would be a cinch with the computer databases we have now. Of course, there would still have to be a group or a person constantly adding the latest data as it happens. Is anyone keeping a collection like that now? And is anyone running searches and reports on it that would give us that kind of information?

    Comment by Marsh — December 2, 2022 @ 2:50 pm

  3. That Wednesday phenomenon is intriguing. Strictly speaking, it’s not a database of UFOs, or of UFO sightings, but of UFO reports. So, if more people report UFOs on Wednesday or in certain states, they’re the ones respecting the workweek and borders. So yes, I think it’s an artifact of the reportage. I wonder, too, if Wednesday would become less significant with more reports.

    Comment by Doug — December 4, 2022 @ 10:16 pm

  4. I don’t know. I imagine, though, that Jacques Vallee has maintained a scrupulous database.

    Comment by Doug — December 4, 2022 @ 10:20 pm

  5. That Keel is to quote a Charles Fort beneath published work, “If there is such a thing as universal mind, must it be sane?”
    To look to perhaps Jung, “collective” mind, tie mind from matter deliberate conscious intent by a sentient being.

    Beneath one’s time, one’s peace, take the time to make vowels and consonants for one’s very self. Make sense of things for one’s self, establish flow.

    Comment by Noah — December 5, 2022 @ 4:04 pm

  6. Hello, I have a completed PDF of his definitions typed up if you would like to share with fellow Keel enthusiasts. Just let me know your email address or here is a link you can download it:

    Comment by KevinR — December 8, 2022 @ 5:44 pm

  7. KevinR — I’ll leave the link here for Keel fans. Personally, I like seeing the dictionary as index cards, with all the handwritten and unfinished entries!

    Comment by Doug — December 19, 2022 @ 8:54 pm

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