May 23, 2024

A Letter From Bob Warth (August 16, 1974)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:49 pm

Bob Warth, then director of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, wrote John a letter, including some clippings on bears and on the unusual behavior of an Orbiting Space Observatory. I’m not sure why John was interested in bears at the time; he might have been working on something about out-of-place animals.


  1. I was struck by the location of the retired police officer mentioned in Warth’s letter: Wanaque reservoir. The Wanaque UFO flap was in 1966, the same year Sanderson’s Uninvited Visitors came out. Then Abominable Snowmen was published in 1969. I remember Ivan on a Pittsburgh radio talk show flogging AS in 1970/71; he complained (on air) that he was there to talk hairy hominids but all the callers wanted to ask about UFOs. So both were in his mind in the early 70s.
    Casazza was a prominent character in the Wanaque events – see ( and the following posts for a detailed look at that flap. In addition to Warth, both Berthold Schwarz and Sanderson himself were involved at Wanaque.
    The strangeness at Wanaque was longstanding according to the above, and probably continued after the flap died down.
    Pure speculation, but could rumors of a Sasquatch-type creature linked to a Wanaque UFO landing have reached Ivan and he asked Warth to check it out? An out of place bear (or even an in-place bear) could have been an explanation for any hypothesized sighting.
    Part 7 of the above is devoted to Sanderson’s personal investigation of Wanaque, including a long interview with Chief Casazza in which Ivan quotes him as saying “Casazza said that once in the company of three other officers, they saw “something that I refuse to disclose or describe”.” Which might have hinted to him of an “occupant”/ABSM/bear.
    So a UFO (not admittedly a major Sanderson interest) + a hairy hominid sighting + an out of place bear would be a natural to lead Ivan to start asking questions.
    The other items in the letter (Photographer-eating-bears, self healing satellites) seem to be peripheral to the main issue, thrown in just out of general interest.
    Sorry this is so long.

    Comment by Ozinor — June 8, 2024 @ 1:21 am


    Look to any literature published under the pen of one John Ramirez as the book, Unmasking the Devil. An idea is expressed here in print that spiritual beings as demons and angels still in Heaven would be “behind so many cases” in the U.F.O. and the extraterrestrial, be this an interdimensional or ultra terrestrial phenomenon.

    By a known ancient theory in medicine, demonic beings are a known cause or blame for all forms of illness, be this bodily, mental, emotional, spiritual, shall any possible realm interconnect. To say that these beings are somehow non-bodily, that this would somehow defy “ordinary” organic and biological scientific understandings to quote Charles Fort.

    Science of today is given to become the superstition of the next day. Superstition one day becomes the science of the next day.

    “What would they be made out of, what would they consist of? What would constitute them?” To further say that the demonic spirit creatures who would be presently sealed from the reaches of Heaven have the power to trigger varying forms of hallucinations by a perhaps known field of research in order to oppress, if Heaven forbid, maliciously missteer alone tempt the innocent.

    One given has a conscious which is always capable of discerning what would be fair, just, right or wrong be there a need for a power in a Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden as we are already made in God’s image.

    Shall one feel an absolutely and perfectly trusting presence of an Angelic being, but the known One God revealed to Moses who Jesus Christ serves presently and personally in their life, who is one to even begin to judge anything at all? Should it feel unthreatening and harmless but pure? Shall one further believe in God from the bottom of their heart. Shall this idea “make one feel shaky inside somehow?”

    Comment by Anahid — June 21, 2024 @ 3:12 pm

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